Manager, Accounts

Deanna-Marie Norcross joined Mosaic Strategies Group in 2016 as an associate. She specializes in creating effective messaging, community engagement and digital strategies.


Deanna-Marie Norcross joined Mosaic Strategies Group in 2016 as an associate. She specializes in creating effective messaging, community engagement and digital strategies.

In her past role as program coordinator at the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University, she oversaw the logistical implementation and program development of Ready to Run® New Jersey, a bipartisan effort to recruit and train women to run for all levels of office. She also provided both program consultation and on-site support to the Ready to Run® National Network, which comprised of seventeen partners in fifteen states. 

Norcross received her B.A. from Smith College in Latin American studies and African American studies, focusing on the intersection between race and gender. She also earned a Masters degree in non-profit management at the School for Public Affairs and Administration at Rutgers University-Newark.

Her passions include gender equality, political participation and promoting inclusion at all levels of the private and public sector. 

When she's not in the office, Deanna can be found curled up with a good book next to Leya, her rescue dog.

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